Selected transactions

Hunt Scanlon Ventures has advised founders on more than a dozen human capital transactions with an enterprise value in excess of $585 million. Following is a selection of some of our most recent deals.

Selected transactions

Russell Reynolds acquires Savage Partners
Waterstone acquires DRi to form DRi Waterstone
ctr acquires RMN
true and LLR acquire hti
ZRG and RFE acquire walking the talk
ZRG and RFE acquire Turnkey Search
Diversified Search and Shoreview acquire Alta
Talento acquires De Forest Search
AEA acquires Bespoke Partners
Diversified Search and Shoreview acquire EWF
HSV invests in aiFlow
Transearch acquires Asianet
ZRG and RFE acquire The Registry
ZRG and RFE acquire Jamesbeck
petersan is acquired by Talento
Aspen is acquired by ZRG and RFE
R2 is acquired by Talento